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TOP > The Dash Diet: A Beginner's Guide - Tips, Recipes, 7-Day Meal Plan to Lower Blood Pressure, and Getting Healthy【電子書籍】[ Lyubomyr Yatsyk ]

The Dash Diet: A Beginner's Guide - Tips, Recipes, 7-Day Meal Plan to Lower Blood Pressure, and Getting Healthy【電子書籍】[ Lyubomyr Yatsyk ]

<p>The Dash Diet: A Beginner's Guide - Tips, Recipes, 7-Day Meal Plan to Lower Blood Pressure, and Getting Healthy</p><p>The recent studies show that blood pressure (development of hypertension) may be lowered with the help of simple diets and reducing sodium (salt) intake, besides, the ration of special diets promotes to lower effectively the arterial pressure that had already been raised.</p><p>The DASH diet can lower blood pressure and can further reduce blood pressure. That is why people with high blood pressure will take advantage of following the DASH diets.</p><p>This Diet is based on research from the National Institutes of Health.</p><p>In this book you'll find all that you need to know about Dash Diet and to improve your health.</p><p>The book contains:<br />- the DASH Diet and Hypertension<br />- what does high blood pressure mean?<br />- what is the DASH diet?<br />- DASH Study<br />- the DASH Diet<br />- how to follow the DASH Diet?<br />- following the DASH Diet<br />- what's there in your plate?<br />- 7-Day meal plan<br />- DASH Diet recipes<br />- the DASH Diet and good health</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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